Brain teasers and games for the whole family

Category: Brain teasers (Page 1 of 2)

A great woman word puzzle

What word in the English language has its first two letters signify a male, its first three letters signify a female, its first four letters signify a great man, and it’s whole signify a great woman?

Reveal solution

Heroine. The first two letters make ‘he’, the first three letters make ‘her’, and the first four letters make ‘hero’.

A hive half full of honey logic puzzle

At the start of summer, the amount of honey in the bee hive is low. However, the bees work hard and every day, the amount of honey in the hive doubles. On the 30th day of Summer, the hive is full of honey. On what day was the hive half full?

Reveal solution

If it doubles every day, the amount of honey in the hive on any given day would have been half the amount the day before. So if the hive is full of honey on the 30th day of Summer, it would have been half full on the 29th day of Summer.
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